Some of them are warmer or hotter than others, some cooler or colder, and only practice allows you to distinguish the different properties of the various species.
1. Cypresses and cedars lower the temperature and feed Yin energy.
2. The willows help fight the dry winds to eliminate excess moisture from the body, reduce blood pressure, and strengthen the urinary tract and bladder.
3. The elms calm the mind and strengthen the stomach.
4. Maples fight the dry winds and help reduce the pain
5. Carobs help eliminate internal heat and balance heart conditions
6. Banyan trees (Bengali figs) purify your heart and help eliminate bodily moisture.
7. Cinnamon can remove the cold from the heart and the stomach
8. Fir trees help to absorb bruises to reduce sweating and first heal bone fractures.
9. Hawthorns help digestion, strengthen the intestine and fight low blood pressure.
10. Birches lower body temperature, eliminate body moisture and help detoxify the body.
11. The prunes feed, the spleen, the stomach, the pancreas and calm the mind.
12. Figs eliminate excess body heat by increasing salivation, nourish the spleen, and help cure diarrhea.
13. Ginkgo help to strengthen the bladder and relieve urinary problems in women.
Communion with a tree
There are precise ways to approach, interact, retreat, and leave a tree. Following a specific progression you can create a silent communion rite that can be understood by you and the tree, to increase the potential of a harmonious interaction. This progression is the result of observing the natural course of events in the subtle energy communion and can be applied to anything: trees, rocks, humans or animals, although the following is specifically designed for trees.
Trees Help Us Heal!
This is How You Can Use Their Energy First of all, every tree, like every person, has a personality, desires, and a life of its own. Trees differ greatly in terms of their tastes in human contact. Some are very generous and eager to provide all the energy you can take. Others are weak or ill and need the profit out of your healing energy. Some are friendly souls who enjoy the human company. Others are still quite indifferent.
Parts of this were gleaned from: Chi Nei Tsang: Chi Massage for the Vital Organs By Mantak Chia