Bright summer blessings!
I had so enjoyed the long spring and then BAM The hot summer was upon us! Though my gardens are doing well, the vegetables have taken the toll of the heat. There are still so many wilds to harvest at this time and I have been foraging in the early mornings to beat the stress on the plants....and me!
Since I had re-built my original garden bed in the spring, I planted Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and Calendula (Calendula officinalis) along with cantaloupe and a few vining veggies. I have been picking the Calendula flower heads and they are drying nicely in the Apothecary. I will use them in a salve or maybe in a nice body oil. There are many constituents in the base of the flower head so I leave that on instead of only using the petals. The flowers are quite sticky and it takes a tad longer to dry them. Many people refer to them as ‘Pot Marigold’ but there is a difference between them. The flowers of true Calendula have a single set of petals instead of the dense petal heads.
Calendula is wonderful as a salve for healing minor skin irritations and wound healing. This is why I like it as a body oil. Not only does it soften the skin but it protects against rashes and other skins issues. As a tea it aids with stomach upsets. Here are two easy recipes you can make at home. Because we are working with oils, make sure your flowers are dried to avoid molding from the water content. Vitamin E is added as a mild preservative. It will not prevent mold.
Calendula Salve 1/2 cup Calendula flowers, dried 1 cup extra virgin olive oil (EVOL) 2-3 vitamin E capsules 1/4 to 1/3 cup bees wax pellets 2 cup glass measuring cup Place flowers in EVOl in a glass cup in the oven. Set at 200 – 250 degrees for 2-3 hours. Remove and let cool a bit. Strain and add back to the glass cup. Place on a wire disc on the stove top and add the bees wax. Heat on low to melt. When melted, add the vitamin E as a preservative (use a pin to squeeze the oil from the caps). Pour into a glass jar. It will harden as it cools. Keep in a cool, dark place and use as needed. Great for minor burns and bug bites. Calendula Body Oil Calendula Flowers, dried Safflower, Jojoba or Apricot Kernel Oil 2-3 vitamin E capsules Fill a desired size jar with the flowers to about 1 inch from the top. Fill the jar to the top with the oil. I use a skewer to remove the air bubble and make sure the oil gets in between all the flowers. Cap the jar and place in a cool, dark place for a couple weeks. Shake the jar daily. Strain, and add the vitamin E. Use as needed for smooth, healthy skin.
I hope you enjoy these two recipes. I especially love the body oil in the winter after a shower. It keeps my skin form getting dry and flakey.
On other notes, there are still a couple spots left in the Animal Spirit Medicine class that is being held on Saturday August 5th at 10 am. This is an informative and fun class where you will be taken on a guided journey to meet your Totem Spirit Animal. The next set of Reiki classes will be also in August on the 19th and 20th. Both of these can be found on my website at under classes.
Watch the website for future class dates.
I am excited to announce that I have added back the individual Sound Bath Sessions!!!! I have been able to reorganize my healing space to begin offering these sessions. They usually last around 45 minutes and incorporate crystal singing bowls, ocean drums, shaman drums and rattles, and a host of other healing sounds. This session not only brings your body back in balance, but assists in the releasing of traumas that have settled in the DNA (current and past life) via binaural beats. I hold a Level II certification in Sound Healing and am working on my Master Level. I highly recommend at least one session to fully experience the effects of sound and vibration for healing the body- physically, emotionally and spiritually.
If you have not yet taken advantage of having a Soul Realignment done, I also highly recommend that as well. This was truly the most important thing I ever did for myself. I changed my life and brought abundance to my door! AND I do this remotely and have served the community worldwide.
With July quickly coming to a close I hope you embrace August and the Lions Gate with much health and happiness. I am here to serve you as you need.
With Regards from under the Oaks,
Barbara Denny
Reiki Master
Soul Realignment Practitioner
Sound Healing Practitioner
Certified Herbalist